Dr. David G. Reis

From Saving Hearts to Selling Homes: A Cardiologist’s Journey into Real Estate
Most doctors took on medicine as a lifelong calling, but many, like me, find the flame of passion dimming over time. The stress, the changing nature of the job, and dwindling joy led me to a crossroads. My leap from cardiologist to real estate shocked everyone except...
Guiding Principles for Realtors to Follow
In the real estate industry, ethical practices are crucial for success. In every licensing renewal or new licensure, realtors attest to uphold core values that are essential to ensuring the trust that drives business relationships. In this article, we’ll explore...
The Power of Persuasion
The ability to persuade others is an essential tool in your business arsenal.Our native persuasion skills derive from “natural” survival skills, so there is, in us all, a sturdy basis upon which to refine persuasion technique. For most of us, on a daily basis, we seek...
Stepping Out of Your Comfort Zone
“Step out of your comfort zone”... What does this mean, why do so? Let’s start with belief systems and set a simple binary: If there were only two choices,My business is optimized, and is not subject to disruptions and market forces. “I’m good” orMy business exists in...
Balancing Multiple Careers
What’s not admitted is how different we all are in organizational capacity. And how resistant or defensive we may be against allowing technology to replace our legacy brain processes, for fear of loosing “control”. In real estate practice this is a “biggie” in terms...
What I Learned From WeWork
I love equations that encapsulate “risk”, using the Greek letter Rho, the calculus symbol for “uncertainty” Perhaps that resonates for me, sending my thoughts back to medical school days, the early days (ah youth, I remember it well!) We learned in year one about...
Let’s Talk!
Let’s Talk! The entirety of living and working priorities and decision-making is shifting. It’s an amazing time to thinker colleagues to build by collaboration. Let’s connect and talk real estate business development.

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