Stepping Out of Your Comfort Zone

by Dr. David Reis

Licensed Real Estate Salesperson
eXp Realty CT & eXp Realty NYC (NY)
Mobile: (203) 980-6811

March 21, 2022

“Step out of your comfort zone”… What does this mean, why do so?

Let’s start with belief systems and set a simple binary: If there were only two choices,
My business is optimized, and is not subject to disruptions and market forces. “I’m good” or
My business exists in an ongoing vortex of change, internalities I can control and externalities I can either manage or at least impact to my developmental advantage.

The second is my reality, and my theme is that bolstering your comfort zone while expanding it’s potential by regular excursions outside the comfort zone is a Business 101 survival mandate.

These are are my 7 motives why:

# 1 – Business Growth: Growth within the comfort zone is constrained and linear. Growth external to the comfort zone is dimensional. The first concepts is certainly true if your comfort zone functions as “insulation” a protection mechanism overlaying insufficiencies and buffering disappointments and traumas.

# 2 – Creating Positive Pressure: Incrementalism, easily achieved process improvement steps can, iteratively, create momentum and positivism in your critical self-review. Think of this as compounding interest in the investment you make in yourself. Create a positive pressure cycle or rhythm, with a good doses of automation and accountability. Create momentum by which little successes. These can be moved once proofed, to become trusted dependable comfort zone elements. .. Comfort is NOT just the management of displeasures.

# 3 – Be the source of Positivity: Evolve stages of “feels good” focus, create a ladder step of healthy self enriching beliefs and an integrated visual mapping of achievable accomplishments. You can then create a scaffolding by which ideas become vision more readily verbalized to others, vision becomes process, process becomes implementation and dreams become reality.

Become a productiveness ninja, executing while conserving resources. Apply leverage that comes from your personal brand development.

# 4 – Face Your Fears head on
Just because they are your thoughts does not mean your thoughts are kind or healthily and helpfully aligned with your mission, let alone the outcomes you must have occur. Yes, an active state of mind is needed to manage the way you think. Blocking subjective sub-conscious to lend advantage to your objective task aligned conscious is needed. Fear, doubt, negative self speak takes harbor in the unconscious.

# 5 – The Performance Temperature

By pushing yourself to territories outside your comfort zone, your weakness and strength in the process. Start doing what works for you. Stop what doesn’t. By human nature, you’ll migrate to allocating mindset bandwidth outside your comfort zone. Once you filled the gap between your comfort zone with the external zone, you can then operate in a hybrid space. Let’s call that the Performance Zone (PZ)

PZ is where you become more conscious and deliberate in your thinking, feelings and actions. More insistent and iIl intentional on delivering incredible results, with positivism for “making stuff happen”.

# 6 – Self fulfilled
Many people wake up everyday with the stress of “too many things to do”. This is an underachievement mindset that bleeds over from the work mind set to then bleed the life and quality of living mindset. Call it the negative power of missed expectations. Bad stuff that to be needs contained, abated, and remedied using reflexive continuous surveillance.

Celebrate what you can control, what you can collaborate to control and what you can conceive of being able to control…tomorrow, next day, everyday, someday. Take negatively self-critical, time related expectations out of the self fulfillment loop. Get stuff done…you’ll be the happier for it.

# 7 – Positive Influence
We are affiliative creatures, by nature. Being a positive influence to others is a “feel good” that exceeds the discomfort of stepping outside your comfort zone. As the first grows, the second dissolves.

Whether passive or active, as you help others to grow, your function as a role model, mentor, and coach becomes a nutrient ego boost that drives your own development to the point of becoming a healthy compulsion (work is now joy phenomenon)

Attraction by your audience’s self interest is a fair agreement. When you, through your positive contribution and imprint, become “magnetic”. Once so, you will feel the acceleration of journeying towards attaining your goals, personal and professional. There is no such thing as ‘fail’ if you can get something out of the exercise.. Consider “fail” to be an abbreviation for “First Attempt In Learning”.

Your ability to “externalize” your engagements and interests is parallel to your capability to be, on your own behalf, more than you thought possible!

Share your process! There is an appreciative audience awaiting you!

Let’s Talk!

Let’s Talk! The entirety of living and working priorities and decision-making is shifting. It’s an amazing time to thinker colleagues to build by collaboration. Let’s connect and talk real estate business development.



(203) 980-6811

The views, opinions, and summary statements expressed in this presentation are those only of the presenter(s) (herein referenced as “opinion”) and do not represent official policy or policy positions of eXp World Holdings, it’s subsidiaries or vendor partners or clients (herein reference as “eXp”).

Any and all forward looking opportunity statements of participating in the practice of real estate within the operations of eXp Realty (residential), eXp Commercial, eXp international, or the use of or participation in the sale or representation of the capabilities of eXp in application are only the opinions of the presenter(s), and are subject to reinterpretation and change at any time.

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They contents of this media, and any media related to David G. Reis and/or any entities with which David G. Reis is associated carry disclaimers as above.

This media makes no representation of the operational and business models, expenses or financial success of real estate professionals at, joining or considering joining eXp.

Success as an associate at eXp is entirely a matter of your efforts.

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Let’s Talk!


Let’s Talk! The entirety of living and working priorities and decision-making is shifting. It’s an amazing time to thinker colleagues to build by collaboration. Let’s connect and talk real estate business development.



(203) 980-6811

The views, opinions, and summary statements expressed in this presentation are those only of the presenter(s) (herein referenced as “opinion”) and do not represent official policy or policy positions of eXp World Holdings, it’s subsidiaries or vendor partners or clients (herein reference as “eXp”).

Any and all forward looking opportunity statements of participating in the practice of real estate within the operations of eXp Realty (residential), eXp Commercial, eXp international, or the use of or participation in the sale or representation of the capabilities of eXp in application are only the opinions of the presenter(s), and are subject to reinterpretation and change at any time.

Many factors will effect and determine your own particular results in using eXp’s resources, platform and capabilities, and no warrant or guarantee, stated or implied, is made in this media, that your own use case of eXp will result in outcomes similar to the presenter(s) or any outcomes referenced in corporate or public domain media by parties you may discover or who may outreach or market their media to you.

They contents of this media, and any media related to David G. Reis and/or any entities with which David G. Reis is associated carry disclaimers as above.

This media makes no representation of the operational and business models, expenses or financial success of real estate professionals at, joining or considering joining eXp.

Success as an associate at eXp is entirely a matter of your efforts.